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$25.00 - $80.00

Please carefully read all of the details of this product upon ordering.


3" special acrylic keychain. This is a special acrylic keychain that works on a hinge mechanism. When it is closed, it is merely a laptop, but when you open it up, it has your favorite DDLC girl on it!

With the way that this is made, you can easily set it up and have it be a cute standee to display with your collection as it stands up straight with the hinge mechanism! When you're ready to take your favorite doki out, just go ahead and close it and take her out with you!

The laptop cover is cute and decorated to be themed after each of the girls.
- Monika with some music notes, her signature pen, and a Just Monika sticker.
- Natsuki with a "manga is literature" sticker, a cookie and kitty cupcake!
- Sayori with Mr. Cow, and some hearts followed by an exclamation mark to show you her excitement!
- Yuri with her pen, knife, and tea!

The keychain features:
- Ribbon-shaped clasp for easy attachment
- Two-hinged parts for a sturdier build.

B-GRADE SAYORI: There are some B-Grade Sayoris (please see second photo) where the keychain loop gets in the way of the keychain from fully opening. There is a work-around where I can take off the keychain portion and from there on, without the keychain being there to hinder the way of the laptop opening, the keychain can fully open. I will also be including the keychain part with your order in the case that you would like to attach it yourself one day. This is still a perfect keychain otherwise, but is only advised if you prefer to have it as a standee.

Please be gentle when you open them. I do not recommend hanging them with them open! Please close the laptop when you are hanging it as it may be prone to breaking if you hang them on your keychains while they are open!


  • (PRE-ORDER) Natsuki
    10 in stock
  • (PRE-ORDER) Yuri
    10 in stock
  • (PRE-ORDER) Monika
    9 in stock
  • (PRE-ORDER) Sayori
    10 in stock
  • (IN-STOCK) Natsuki
    0 in stock
  • (IN-STOCK) Yuri
    0 in stock
  • (IN-STOCK) Sayori
    4 in stock
  • (IN-STOCK) Monika
    2 in stock
    16 in stock
    19 in stock